Belmore North Public School

Building on Strengths, Focused on the Future

Telephone02 9750 0652

Managing Behaviour

Inappropriate student behaviour is dealt with using the principle of least to most intrusive strategies which may include:

  • Encouragement/support
  • Tactical ignoring
  • Non-verbal messages
  • Redirection
  • Rule reminders
  • Reflective questioning
  • Distraction and diversion
  • Diffusions
  • Clear instruction to stop or directive statement
  • Warning
  • Consequence
  • In class reflection time
  • Reflection in another class


Below are flowcharts which are displayed and used throughout the whole school to manage inappropriate student behaviour. 

Flowchart for Managing Inappropriate Behaviour




Detention is used as a consequence for inappropriate behaviour. Executive teachers can place students on detention once an incident has been reported through the red slip process. Detention is for a minimum of half of lunch. Students must sit in designated areas (thinking spots) on the playground. It is the responsibility of the roaming executive teacher to supervise these students and ensure they are in the right place.


Red Slip Process

Red Slip

Red slips are used by teachers to report and record incidents of inappropriate behaviour.


For non-violent playground behaviour

The student is given a warning. If the behaviour continues, they are given a ‘time out' on the playground (sit in a certain spot or to walk with the teacher). If the behaviour persists, they should then

be given a red slip. If this happens, the teacher should make an effort to inform the student's classroom teacher about what has happened.


For non-violent classroom behaviour

The student is given 2 warnings. If the behaviour continues, they are given a ‘time out' in the classroom. If the behaviour persists, they should then be sent to their buddy class and given a red slip.

For violent and dangerous behaviour

In the classroom, the child should be sent straight to the supervising executive. On the playground, the child should be sent immediately to the office where the executive will intervene.


Important points:

  • A red slip does not automatically place a student on detention. It is at the discretion of the executive to determine if the behaviour warrants a detention.
  • Zero tolerance for fighting and bullying. A red slip must be filled out for all incidents of fighting and bullying.
  • When students receive more than one red slip in a day, they will only count as one towards their cumulative total for the term.


When students receive several detentions in a term:

2 detentions – parents are contacted by the supervising executive for a phone interview to discuss the students' behaviour.

3 detentions – parents are asked to school for an interview to discuss students' behaviour and strategies that will be implemented to improve behaviour. This will involve the teacher and supervising executive and anyone else who may be able to contribute: counsellor, ESL, principal if required.

4 detentions – referral to the principal for future behaviour issues